
If you need a new license for radioactive materials, an amendment to your current license, or new device registration, RSSI can help to facilitate the process.  With over forty years experience working in the industry, and a progressive and productive relationship with regulators and regulatory agencies, your source, byproduct, or special nuclear material license will be completed quickly and efficiently.  The license will provide the necessary safeguards without unnecessary commitments or complicated monitoring requirements.  RSSI's reputation for integrity and technical soundness and a unique approach to licensing has lead to the distribution of products not previously possible.

Our services include:

  • Preparation of applications for licenses for radioactive material to be submitted to the NRC, agreement states, and other regulatory agencies;

  • Communication with regulators to monitor progress during the license application process;

  • Development of a radiation safety program manual and standard operating procedures; and

  • Designing radiation safety training for workers who will be working with radioactive materials in your new program.

RSSI has assisted clients with licensing and device registration in North America, Europe, and Asia.

In addition to aiding in the process of writing new radioactive materials licenses, RSSI's experience and relationships with regulators and regulatory agencies allow us to aid clients needing assistance with regulatory affairs and regulatory intervention.

For more information on working with RSSI on a radioactive materials licensing issue or for assistance with regulatory compliance issues, please contact us.


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