Information for Homeowners
Why You Should Test Your Home For Radon with RSSI Alpha-Track Detectors.

- Radon causes Lung Cancer: Higher radon concentrations can produce higher risk of lung cancer. By testing your home you learn if you need to take corrective action to reduce the risks of lung cancer.
- To protect your families’ risk when buying a new home: In many jurisdictions, a seller must disclose any known radon hazards or allow the buyer to have a radon test performed as part of a real estate transaction.
- If you tested with a short-term device:The US EPA recommends a verification test with a long-term test kit if a short-term testing result shows radon levels lower than 8.0 pCi/L. Because radon levels vary daily and seasonally, in response to weather conditions and ventilation patterns, short-term radon tests may accurately report radon levels during the few days of their test period, but not properly represent the long-term average radon level to which you are exposed. For initial measurements above 8.0 pCi/L, the US EPA recommends a verification test with another short-term test kit.
What should you do if your home has high radon concentration?
To reduce the risk of lung cancer, the US EPA recommends taking corrective action in every home with radon concentrations above the action level of 4 pCi/L. One out of every 15 homes in the United States has radon concentrations above 4 pCi/L. Most homes can have their radon concentrations reduced to below 2 pCi/L. Some states mandate that new homes be designed to prevent high radon concentrations.